The Let's Play Archive

Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2

by 1234567890num

Part 36: Shift in Power

"It was unanimously approved to amend medical legislation in ways never before seen in the U.S., requiring medical institutions to sponsor their doctors to the newly formed 'Hands of Asclepius.'"

Anchorman: "These measures are undoubtedly in response to the recent acts of medical terrorism, and will allow the HOA to hand-select staff from hospitals to be trained in their facilities. While some parties have voiced concern over the lack of doctors this could create locally, the government and the HOA have publiclytated that this will lead to medical advancements."

...Everything is going just as planned.



We received the report from the police. It looks like they've identified Delphi's new leader. Here it is.
Let's see here... ...Heinrich... Heinrich con Raitenau... Ah, a blood relative of Adam! Well, isn't that just shocking!

Yeah, who would've thought

This information has been submitted to the U.N. I believe we'll hear more as soon as they have a chance to act on it.
Alright... What about the request lists we sent out for our staff expansion? Are the hospitals cooperating?
We've already gotten back several responses, and they look favorable. We'll have reached your target numbers in the very near future.
I'm glad to hear that.
...Chief, your meeting with the minister is in ten minutes.
Alright, I'll be down as soon as I'm done getting ready. Have the car up front.
Understood. We're ready when you are. *leaves*
It's finally time to make our offensive...

Yes... The Hands of Asclepius have already sent us a list of the personnel they're requesting. Please take a look at this...
Hm... This is worse than I imagined. If they take this many from us, we'll be drastically understaffed.
We're scrambling to provide solid reasons to cut this loss by about a third of what they've requested.
Increasing the skills of doctors everywhere will make up for our lack of numbers against GUILT... ...At the same time, this will lessen the burden of doctors who work on non-GUILT afflictions. Personally... I see nothing wrong with what Mr. Mercer is advocating here. But... I wonder about creating scalpels that are too sharp...
You mean the mass production of doctors who can use the Healing Touch...
Even though they can physically give them that kind of power... There aren't many who can truly handle its weight...

Rie from the pharmaceutical division is leaving for the HOA.
What!? I didn't know that!
It looks like that's only the beginning. A lot more people are going to be leaving, too. People like Dr. Ogata, and even Dr. Rogers...
That's terrible... This is going to make things really hard on us here.

At least they didn't take any of the characters who have portraits. Yes, that includes Clarks.

Yeah, and lonelier, too... ...Hm? What the--?
What's the matter?
Angie, we don't have saline in stock!
What? Are you serious?
Oh wow, we're almost entirely out of atropine too! Geez, how did this happen!? They should have ordered more!
Looks like these staffing transitions aren't going well...
Well, they should have been more careful! I can't believe this!

Guess what gimmick of the next operation will be

We're just so busy, this could be trouble! And if you have even an hour of free time, you better be helping out too, Dr. Chase!
Whaaaat? Is Caduceus going to be able to function like this!?
I must admit, I'm getting a little worried about it too...